603 is a composite number because it has other factors aside from 1 and itself.
The other factors of 603 are 3, 9, 67 and 201.
603 is a composite number because it has 6 factors: 1, 3, 9, 67, 201, and 603.
No, 603 is not a prime number.
No. 603 is divisible by 3. 603 divided by 3 is actually 201, making 603 a composite number.(If the sum of all the digits in a number is divisible by 3, the number is divisible by 3. In this case, 6+0+3=9, and since 9 is divisible by 3 so is 603. )
As 6+0+3=9 then 603 can be divided by 9 then it's a composite number
It is not a prime number, it is a composite number.
It is prime
86 is not a prime number, so is a composite.
It is a Prime number, and therefore not a composite number.211 is a prime number.
No 168 is not a prime number it is a composite number
The number is not COMPOSITE. Instead, it is a prime number.
A prime number has two factors, a composite number has more than two.