It could be 76 - not divisible by 5. It could be 75 - not divisible by 2.
1 4 / 15
compatible numbers is just like to round or estimate a number. Ex: 44 the compatible number is to 40. because if the number less than five is rounded to the nearest ten (down). Ex: 56 the compatible number is 60. why? because a number greater than 5 is rounded up.
60% of 7.6= 60% * 7.6= 0.6 * 7.6= 4.56
In general, numbers are not compatible or otherwise in isolation. They are compatible in the context of other numbers. Two (or more) numbers are compatible if their sum (or other combination) is a number which YOU find easy to work with. As you acquire more experience, you may find that more and more numbers become compatible.
1 minute = 60 seconds → 76 minutes = 76 × 60 seconds = 4560 seconds
Yes. Let's play a game. I'll send you $60 and you send me $76 .
-60 degrees Celsius is -76 degrees Fahrenheit.