

Is 774 a prime number

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No. 774=2x3x3x43

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Q: Is 774 a prime number
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What times what equals 774 just 774?

In this situation, you're given an open equation, where the multiplication of two unknown numbers must equal 774 with no remainder. With these types of problems we look at either the last or last two digits of the equaled number. In our case, we're looking to see if the number can be divided by 2, meaning it's not prime.Since our equaled number ends in a "4", we have a very good chance of this number being divisible by "2". Therefore, we shall divide 774 by 2. We should have 387.Therefore, 2 x 387 = 774. That is just one solution out of many.

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43% of 774 = 43% * 774 = 0.43 * 774 = 332.82

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