The factors of 813 are: 1, 3, 271, and 813.The prime factors of 813 are: 3 and 271.
To round the number 813 to the nearest ten, you look at the digit in the tens place, which is 1. Since 1 is less than 5, you keep the hundreds place digit the same and change all digits to the right to zero. Therefore, 813 rounded to the nearest ten is 810. To estimate the number 813 to the nearest hundred, you look at the digit in the hundreds place, which is 8. Since we are estimating to the nearest hundred, you keep the hundreds place digit the same and change all digits to the right to zero. Therefore, 813 estimated to the nearest hundred is 800.
+1 indicates a number from the usa... however - I can't find any area code 813.
it is 813-403-2794
(813) 283-7000
yes it can be divided by 3 = 271
81.6 as a mixed number in lowest terms is 813/5
1, 3, 9, 41, 123, 271, 369, 813, 2439, 11111, 33333, 99999 3, 41 and 271 are prime.
813) 623-5400