

Is 86c more or less than one meter?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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Q: Is 86c more or less than one meter?
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Springfield Stevens 86C How Old Is It?

I believe it was made in the 1940s

What is the value of a springfield 22 long rifle model 86c-?


What is the value of a Stevens savage arms corp model 86c?

Roughly $100

Where can find parts for a 86c 22 long rifle?

i am also looking for parts so if you find any let me know....

Who would have parts for a Stevens model 86c rifle?

Try e-gun are also known as Numrich gun parts corp.

Did savage ever make a Stevens rifle 22 caliber model 86C?

Yes. Some are stamped Stevens by Savage Arms Co.

Where can you buy a bolt for a model 86C 22 cal rifle?

Try gun shops, gun shows, want ads, for sale ads, estate sales, garage sales, Brownell's, egunparts

Is there a picture of a springfield 22 caliber rifle model 86 anywhere?

I have this gun. It is a model 86C. I am wanting information about this gun. I can't locate any. if you are aware of any info about this gun please contact me.

What is the age and value of a 22 S L LR Stevens Savage Arms Model 86C bolt action?

I want to know the age of this rifle, when it was made? from what year to what year ? or do you know? Is stevans stil in busines?

What is the value of a 22 caliber J Stevens Springfield Model 86C rifle with a tube magazine in good condition?

There is one for sale here: for $135. I have one which I paid $49 for about 5 years ago in very rough condition. I have since restored it to like new. I did it for the fun of it, not that it would ever be worth more than $100 or so. My best guess is an original in good condition is worth between $100 and $125.

How would you repair a back site on a rifle Would super glue work I borrowed it from my Pappa and it was his dads when he was a young boy it is a model 86c bolt action short long 22 rifle?

You will need the services of a good gunsmith

The temperature of hot water in a beaker was 86 C.The water cooled by 2 C every minute.What was the temperature of the water after 15 minutes?

The temperature of the hot water would be 86C - (2C * 15 minutes) = 56C after 15 minutes.