No, 88 is a composite number. Prime numbers are defined as any real, non negative integers that have no other factors than "1" and itself.
An example is "3", nothing except 1 x 3, can make 3, so this is prime. So 88 is composite because 8 x 11, 44 x 2, and 22 x 4.
88 is not a prime number.
the lageest prime number in the 80s is 88
the prime factorization is 4,4,11
No it's not!!
no, 88 is not a prime number because it is divisable by 11, 8 and 4 and its even so its divisible by 2, a prime number is number which can only be divided by itself and 1,
88 is divisible evenly by 2, so cannot be prime. Therefore, 88 must be composite.
88=23x11 or 88=2x2x2x11
88 is a composite number (even number greater than 2).
88 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 11
88 is a composite number