A Prime number is when: The only numbers that can go inside that number is 1 and itself. So, yes. 99.9 is a prime number. By checking, you can do 99.9 divided by 2, and if its a decimal number, then its a prime.
997 is the biggest 3 digit Prime number.
If the question refers to the prime factors of 999 then these are 33 and 37. If the question refers to the number of prime numbers between 1 and 999 then there are 168.
A good way to find the prime factors of a number are to divide it by consecutively bigger prime numbers until the number left is one or a prime number. I will demonstrate how to do that: 999 cannot be divided by two, so i will move on two the next biggest prime number, 3. 999/3=333 still can be divided by three, repeat until you get the number 1 or a prime number 333/3=111 111/3=37 37 is a prime number Therefore, 999=(3^3)*37
This is similiar to another answer i gave, in this case i will use the example of the number 999. A good way to find the prime factors of a number are to divide it by consecutively bigger prime numbers until the number left is one or a prime number. I will demonstrate how to do that: 999 cannot be divided by two, so i will move on two the next biggest prime number, 3. 999/3=333 still can be divided by three, repeat until you get the number 1 or a prime number 333/3=111 111/3=37 37 is a prime number Therefore, 999=(3^3)*37
999 is a composite number because its factors are 1, 3, 9, 27, 37, 111, 333, and 999.
No, 897 and 999 are not relatively prime.
The prime factorization of 999 is 3x3x3x37 or 33x37.
999 is a composite number. This is because composite numbers are any number that has more than two factors (one and itself). Therefore, since there are many factors of 999 besides one and itself such as 3, 9, and 27, that makes it a composite number.
999 = 3 x 333 = 9 x 111so is a composite (not prime) number.
999 333,1 111,3,3 37,3,3,3
The largest 3-digit number is 999 and sqrt(999) = 31.61 approx. So try all prime factors up to and including 31.