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Q: Is 9 tons or 18001 pounds bigger?
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What is more 18001 pounds or 9 tons?

9 tons is more.

Which is bigger 18000 pounds or 9 tons?

They are both equal. 18,000 lbs = 9 tons and 9 tons = 18,000 pounds.

Is 18000 pounds bigger than 9 tons?

Equal to

What is bigger 18000 pounds or 9 tons?

i dont know

Which is more 9 tons or 17999 pounds?

one ton is 2,000 pounds. 16 tons is 32,000 pounds.

What is more 17998 pounds or 9 tons?

9 tons

Which is more, 17,998 pounds or 9 tons?

9 tons

Is 1800 pounds. equal to 9 tons?

No, 18000 pounds is 9 tons

Which is more, 18,000 pounds or 9 tons?

9 tons

Which is smaller 9 tons or 16000 pounds?

16 000 pounds is smaller > 9 long tons = 9 * 2240 = 20 160 pounds 9 short tons = 9 * 2000 = 18 000 pounds 9 metric tonnes = 9 * 2204.6226 = 19 841.6 pounds

Whitish is more 17998 pounds or 9 tons?

9 tons as 17998 = 8.99 tons.

How pounds are in 9 tons?

1 ton=2000 pounds, so Nine tons is 18,000 pounds. 2000 X 9= 18000