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Q: Is A equals bh the formula for the area of a parellogram?
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The formula for the area of a rectangle with length equals b and width equals h is A equals?

A = bh (multiply length x width).

What is the formula for volume of solid?

The formula for the volume of a solid (not a sphere) is V=Bh, or the volume (V) equals the area of the base (B, or bh) multipied by the height of the solid (h).

What is the formula for finding area?

The area of a rectangle is A=bh (area equals base times height)The area of a triangle is A=(bh)/2 (area equals half base times height)The area of a circle is A=πr^2 (area equals pi times the square of the radius.

What is the difference between A equals lw and A equals bh?

Area=1/2 base x height is the formula for a triangle. Area = length x width is the formula for a square or rectangle.

The volume formula for a right pyramid is V equals Bh What does B represent?

B=Area of the base

What is a equals one-half bh?

This is the formula for area of a triangle. Area of triangle = 1/2 x area of base x height

What is the formula area of a parallelogram?

The formula for area of a parallelogram is bh. Base times height.

What is the formula for Bh for circle?

Area formula for circle= --,,- r 2

Formula for surface area of a cone?

V = 1/3 BH Formula for finding BH is: (pi)r2H B = Area of Base H = Height

What is the formula for the area of a base for a rectangular prism?


What is the formula for the area of a square and rectangle?

The formula is for a square and rectangle is A=bh or A=lw

In the formula V equals Bh what does the B stand for?

If it's a capital B then it means the area of a base but if it's a lowercase b the it mean just the base