

Is Cl a radical

Updated: 12/24/2022
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14y ago

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Radicals are the species having at least one unpaired electron so if 'Cl' is in atomic form then it has 7 outermost electron one is unpaired and it is a radical.

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Q: Is Cl a radical
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Yes, this is observed in the case of chlorine gas, Cl2 (a diatomic molecule) which dissociates under UV light into two Cl radicals (Cl atoms) through the process of homolytic fission. The Cl-Cl bond is broken in the process, and it is also possible in the case of Br2.This is in fact the initiation step in the free radical substitution mechanism in organic chemistry.

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What is a ''Radical'' in mathematics?

A radical is a root.A radical is a root.A radical is a root.A radical is a root.

Which is more covalent H-Cl or Cl-Cl?

Cl-Cl is more covalent than H-Cl

What is the radical approximation of radical 11?

There is no reasonable radical approximation for radical 11.

Example of radical in addition?

Here is an example, radical 20 plus radical 5. Now radical 20 is 2(radical 5) so we can add radical 5 and 2 radical 5 and we have 3 radical 5.

The expression radical 3x is equivalent to the expression x radical 3?

Radical (3x) = radical(x) * radical(3).

What is the ion formula for chloride?

Cl- Cl-