yes, the average speed equals distance divided by time
Distance divided by time equals speed, which represents how fast an object is moving. The formula for speed is distance/time.
Yes. "Miles per hour" is exactly that: distance divided by time unit.
You can find many formulas in which time is one of the variables. For example, the distance formula states that distance is equal to speed multiplied by the time. You can find time by saying that it is equal to distance divided by speed.
The formula for distance divided by time is speed. It is calculated as speed = distance / time.
Distance divided by time is the formula for speed. Distance = speed by time also
Nearly! Speed is distance divided by time...
Time = (distance) divided by (speed) Distance = (speed) multiplied by (time) Speed = (distance) divided by (time)
Speed is equal to the distance traveled divided by the time taken. SPEED = (DIST/Time)
Distance equals speed divided by time. Speed equals distance divided by time. Time equals distance divided by speed
speed is distance divided by time Miles per hour velocity is distance divided by time for a given direction so it is direction sometimes known as a vector. so VECTOR