

Is a factor the same as a square number?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Is a factor the same as a square number?
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If factor pairs exist why doesn't every number have an even number of factors?

One factor pair of square numbers would be the same number twice. When you list them, you only write it once.

What type of number has one factor pair that contains two of the same number?

a square number

Which product has a factor pair in which both numbers are the same?

A square number

Why does a square number have an odd number of factors?

A square number will have one factor pair that consists of the same number (the square root). In the list of factors, that number will be written once.

What does a square factor mean?

A factor that is a square number. 16 is a square factor of 32.

Why does 16 have an odd number of factors?

It's a square number. Square numbers have a factor pair that is the same number twice. When listed, that number occurs once.

Is 3 a factor of square number?

3 is a factor of the square number 9.

Is 440 square factor?

Since 440 is not a square number, it can't be a square factor.

What are the factors of 84 and 105 that are square numbers?

4 is the only square number that is a factor of 84. No square number is a factor of 105.

What is the largest square factor of 63?

9 is a square number and is a factor of 63

What is largest perfect square factor?

We need to know what number the square is a factor of.

Why does a square number always have an odd number of factors?

Factors can be listed as factor pairs. With square numbers, one of those pairs will be the same number twice. When written as a list, only one of them will be used, leaving an odd number of factors.