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This is dependent on the divorce laws in your specific area. Residency counts less after deed entitlement, other assets, prior agreements, liens, etc. Occupying the house may give the resident the authority to claim more "invested" and want more to be "bought out" if it comes to that.

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Q: Is a house still split equal in divorce if one has not live in it for years?
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If you own a house with your spouse and are in the process of getting divorced and the house sold before the divorce do you still split the proceeds?

If both of you signed the deed to the house you are entitled to half. However if your spouse owned the house before you were married it belongs to him.

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You can have a final divorce and still be living together in the same house. The divorce is just a legal recognition of separation. What you do in your relationship is up to you.

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Yes, you can live together and still get a divorce.

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No. A divorce is granted by a court decree, and is not something that can be nullified except by application by the parties before the divorce becomes final.

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The license is still on file and valid. You can obtain a copy at the court house.

Your wife threw you out of the house 26 years ago are you still married?

If you didn't get a divorce, you are married.

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It's still 245. Each part is 812/3.

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If both names are still on the loan, it effects both people.

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Yes. The best thing would be to either get the house in the divorce, or get everything, including the mortgage, signed over to your soon to be ex.

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