

Is a negative smaller than a positive?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is a negative smaller than a positive?
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When the absolute value of the positive integer is smaller than the absolute value of the negative one.

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Yes, negative 12 is smaller than positive 12 by 24.

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It is bigger

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no negative numbers are always smaller than positive numbers..... you can draw out a numberline and see any number to the left of the number zero is negative and to the right is positive

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0 is a neutral number. zero is nor positive or negative because NEGITIVE being a number smaller than zero POSITIVE being a number bigger than zero so since zero isn't being smaller or bigger zero isn't positive or negative

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positive times negative equals negative

Negative plus a positive is?

It depends. If the positive is bigger, than it will be positive (-5+10=5 is the same as 10-5=5). If it is smaller than the negative, it will be negative (-10+5=-5 is the same as 5-10)

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depends on the impact

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A negative multiplied by a positive will always end in a negative number regardless of which number is deemed larger.

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It depends. (a) a positive minus a smaller positive is positive, (b) a positive minus a positive of the same size is zero, and (c) a positive minus a bigger positive is negative. For example, (a) 8 - 6 = 2 (b) 8 - 8 = 0 (c) 8 - 11 = -3