

Is a plygon with three angles?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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A triangle has three angles.

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Q: Is a plygon with three angles?
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The interior angles of a 36 sided polygon add up tp 6120 degrees

What is the angles of a regular plygon?

"poly" just means "many". How many sides? Interior angles of any n-sided polygon total 180n - 360 degrees, usually expressed as "2n -4 right angles"

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Is it possible to have a polygon with fewer sides than a triangle?

it depens on the angles of the plygon so i guess no but check on gogle just in case or yaho, wipipideia ect.

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The sum of the exterior angles is 360 so if each is 120 we know 360/120=3. This tells us there are 3 exterior angles. The sum of the interior angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

What is a 10 side plygon named?

A decagon

Is a trapezium a type of polygon?

a trapezium is a quadrilateral with no parallel sides. it is a polygon because a plygon is any closed figure (three or more sides)

How many triangles are in a 24 sided plygon?

There are 22

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angle of a regular plygon if each exerior angle measures 120 degrees?

It will have 3 interior angles of 60 degrees that add up to 180 degrees and it is an equilateral triangle.

What has three sides and three angles?

A triangle has three sides and three angles.

How many angles does an triangle have?

A triangle has three internal angles and three external angles, for a total of six angles.

What is a plygon with 6 sides called?

A polygon with 6 sides is an hexagon