

Is a pyramind type of a polyhedron?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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Yes and a triangular based pyramid is a tetrahedron

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Q: Is a pyramind type of a polyhedron?
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A polyhedron is a solid shape with four or more polygonal faces. A hexahedron is a solid shape with six polygonal faces and so is a particular type of polyhedron.

What type of polyhedron is a square based pyramid?

It is a Pentahedron.

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The answer depends on how it is "moved". However, hexagons cannot make a polyhedron.

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One with 20 polygonal faces.

When was the pyramind of Giza built?

in 1983

Is it true a prism is a pyramind?

No, it is false.

What type of polyhedron has 8 faces and they are all equilateral triangles?

an octahedron

What is a polyhedron with triangular sides and a polygonal base?

It can be any type of pyramid.

The edge of a polyhedron are the polygons which bound the polyhedron?

No, they are the faces of the polyhedron.

What country is the pyramind in?

The most famous are in Egypt.