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No. They are usually different.

An isosceles triangle has two equal angles and two equal adjacent sides. An isosceles triangle with three 60° angles is the equilateral triangle.

Only one isosceles triangle, which has two 45° angles, includes a right angle and is called an isosceles right triangle.

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Q: Is a right triangle the same as an isosceles triangle?
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Is a right triangle an isosceles triangle?

It can be. If two of the sides of a right triangle are the same length then it is an isosceles triangle

What does an isosceles triangle that is not a right triangle look like?

An isosceles triangle has two same sides and one different side.

What does a right triangle and an isosceles triangle have in common?

A right triangle and an isosceles triangle have the fact that they are both triangles in common. A right triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

What triangle has one right angle and can be an isosceles?

A triangle that has one right angle and is isosceles is called an isosceles right triangle.

Is a right triangle always an isosceles triangle?

No. An isosceles right triangle is a special case. There are many right triangles which are not isosceles.

What is the difference between a right triangle and an isosceles triangle?

A right triangle can be an iscosceles or scalene triangle. A right triangle is a triangle that therein has one right angle and 2 acute angles. An isosceles triangle has two sides of the same length and one different.

Are the side of an isosceles triangle perpendicular?

The only requirement for an isosceles triangle is that two sides be the same length and one be different. It is possible for an isosceles triangle to have two perpendicular legs. It would be right and isosceles.

Does an isosceles triangle have a right angle?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. A right triangle is any triangle with one angle that is a right angle. A right triangle could also be an isosceles triangle, but an isosceles triangle will not always have a right angle.

Does an isosceles triangle have right angles?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. A right triangle is any triangle with one angle that is a right angle. A right triangle could also be an isosceles triangle, but an isosceles triangle will not always have a right angle.

What triangle has 1 right angle and can be isosceles?

A right angled isosceles triangle!

How are a right isosceles triangle and a right scalene triangle alike how are they different?

They both have right angles (obviously) But the scalene has no sides the same length but the isosceles has 2 equal sides

Why is it possible to make an isosceles triangle from two identical right angled triangle?

An isosceles triangle is defined as a triangle that has two sides of the same length. With two identical right triangles, it is possible to arrange them into a bigger triangle that has two sides that are the same length.