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Yes. That is often how pie charts work.

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Q: Is a sector area the percentage of the circle's area?
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Is a sector a portion of a circle's area?

nope a portion of a circles area is a triangle

To find the area of a sector you multiply the area of the circle by the measure of the arc determined by the sector?

Area of sector/Area of circle = Angle of sector/360o Area of sector = (Area of circle*Angle of sector)/360o

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percentage employees in primary sector < percentage employess in secondary sector

A circle has an area of 30 in What is the area of a 60 sector of this circle?

Divide the area of the sector by 360 and multiply it to the area. The area of the sector is 5 square inches.

How do you find size of sector angle on the pie chart of a budget?

Calculate the percentage of a sector relative to the budge total. The angle for that sector is 3.6 times the percentage.

The area of a sector is the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector?

The area of a sector is the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector. This is a true statement and correct formula.

How do you get area of sector without given radius?

if given the central angle and the area of the circle, then by proportion: Given angle / sector area = 360 / Entire area, then solve for the sector area

What is the formula used to find the area of a sector?

area of sector = (angle at centre*area of circle)/360

Is the area of a sector the area of the circle multiplied by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector?


Does the area of a sector depend pi?

The area sector of a circle needs pi to work it out.

What is the area of a circle if the area of its sector is 49?

The area of the circle is(17,640)/(the number of degrees in the central angle of the sector)

What is the the percentage of primary sector in Spain?