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No, but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

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Q: Is a square a special type of trapezoid?
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Is a square or trapezoid have a special name and is a parallelogram?

Square = parallelogram and a square trapezoid = trapezoid Parallelogram = Parallelogram

Is every rhombus a parallelogram rectangle square or trapezoid?

'A square is a type of rectangle, a rectangle is a type of paralellogram, a paralellogram is a type of trapezoid, a trapezoid is a type of quadrilateral.

Is square a type of trapezoid?


Can a traezoid also be a square?

a trapezoid requires at least two parallel sides, so a square is a special case of trapezoid, but not all trapezoids are square.

Is square polygon?

Special polygonsSpecial Quadrilaterals - square, rhombus, parallelogram, rectangle, and the trapezoid.

What are seven names for a square?

square rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus,quadrialteral, polygon,trapezoid A square is a special case of these

What makes an isoceles trapezoid special?

The type of characteristics a trapezoid has or any other shape has makes it special in so many different ways

Does a trapezoid have special name?

Yes, a trapezoid is a specific type of quadrilateral that has one pair of parallel sides. It does not have any other special name.

Can a trapezoid tile?

It depends on the type of trapezoid you are referring to. A square is a trapezoid, so in that case, yes. Otherwise, i'd need more info to help you.

How is a square different from a trapezoid?

a trapezoid is slanted and a square is not

How is a trapezoid different from a square?

a trapezoid is slanted and a square is not

A square is what type of shape?

a square is a special type of rectangle. A square is an equilateral and not a rectangle.a square is a special type of rectangle and is an equillattreal