

Best Answer

There is not enough information to figure out the remaining angles or sides. To fully specify a triangle, you need at least three pieces of information. Sometimes that isn't enough.

Another Answer:-

Probably it is because:

tan = opp/adj and when rearranged gives adj = opp/tan

So adj = 8/tan(450) = 8

Therefore it will have two sides of 8 inches making it an isosceles right-angled triangle

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Q: Is a triangle with an interior angle of 45 degrees and an opposite side of 8 inches a right angle triangle?
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There is not enough information to figure out the remaining angles or sides. To fully specify a triangle, you need at least three pieces of information. Sometimes that isn't enough.Improved Answer:-It could possibly be right angle triangle because it complies with Pythagoras' theorem inasmuch that by using the trigonometrical tangent ratio for a right angle triangle works out that the adjacent side is 6 inches in length i.e. 8 divided by tangent 53.13010235 degrees equals 6.And: 82+62 = 100 which complies with Pythagoras' theorem.The triangle will have sides of 6 and 8 inches and a hypotenuse of 10 inches.

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Angles are not measured in inches, they are measured in degrees. It appears you may be asking about a RIGHT triangle of which two sides measure 4 inches and 5 inches. In such a case, if the hypotenuse measures 5 inches, the third side would measure 3 inches....a 3,4,5 right triangle.

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