2 is a divisor of all even numbers, and a divisor is a factor of all numbers which can be divided by it.
Yes. All even numbers have 2 as a factor.
Actually they do because only even numbers have 2 as a factor.
Possiblilty is almost 1/2 cause every two numbers is a number with a factor of 2.From 2: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10...
Yes, all even numbers have 2 as a factor. I'm not sure how to explain that statement.
2 is a common factor of 12 and 24 because it can evenly divide both numbers without any remainder. This is because 12 is equal to 2 multiplied by 6, and 24 is equal to 2 multiplied by 12. Since 2 is a factor of both 12 and 24, it is considered a common factor of the two numbers.
All even numbers greater than 0 have 2 as a factor.
Even numbers, by definition are divisible by 2.
Yes, because 2 goes into all even numbers it was a math homework question.
All even numbers have two as a factor.
2 is a factor of all even numbers. 853 is odd.