In an isosceles triangle, two angles, and therefore sides (Base Angle Theorem), are congruent. This does not mean that all isosceles triangles are also right triangles - there is only one (45, 45, 90 triangle).
A right isosceles triangle.
No. An isosceles right triangle has the measures of 90, 45, and 45. Isosceles means that two sides are congruent. Hope this helps :)
No isosceles triangle in the world is congruent to any equilateral triangle. No equilateral triangle in the world is congruent to any right triangle.
No. An isosceles right triangle is a special case. There are many right triangles which are not isosceles.
That's an isosceles right triangle.
Yes. Only if the other two angles of the right triangle are congruent and each equal 45 degrees. Then using the isosceles triangle theorem, you know that the two sides opposite the angles are congruent.
Isosceles Triangle - 2 congruent sides Equilateral Triangle - all three sides are congruent Scalene triangle - no sides are congruent
A triangle with 1 right angle and 2 congruent acute angles is both a right triangle and an isosceles triangle.
When it's a right triangle and it's sitting on one of the congruent sides.
right angled isosceles triangle
If its in the form of an isosceles right angle triangle then it will have 2 equal sides.