

Is calcite harder than mica

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Is calcite harder than mica
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The mineral fluorite is harder than calcite. Fluorite is represented as a 4 on the Mohs scale of relative mineral hardness, calcite is a 3.

If Calcite will scratch gypsum This is an example of what physical characteristics?

It is hardness. Calcite is harder than gypsum.

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It can be hard to remember the hardness levels of all the minerals and substances of the Earth. Calcite is something that is harder than gold.Ê

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Calcite (CaCO3) is a carbonate.

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Quartz is much harder than calcite.

How would scientist tell the difference between calcite and quarts?

Quartz is much harder than calcite.

Which material would you scratch the other quartz or calcite how do you know?

Quartz because its harder than calcite and the quartz in thicker.

Which is better for jewelry calcite or quartz?

Quartz because it is harder, more durable and more resistant to scratching than calcite.

What are the four major rocks?

they are quartz, mica, feldspar, and calcite.