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Ummm ya it is! Wasn't 7th grade harder than 6th grade? I think that every time that you move up a grade everything gets harder.

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Q: Is eighth grade harder than seventh grade?
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Is eighth grade easy?

Yeah I think 8th grade is easy! I'm finishing it up and yeah it's not that hard! If your a hard worker than I think that you'll do fine! Plus if you get along with teachers it's even easier! (I would recommend doing that if your not) Honestly I think that going from 6th grade to 7th grade was harder!

Is joey pigza a 7th grade book?

I just read it in my graduate class on Young Adult Literature. The professor said it could be taught anywhere from the fifth to the eighth grade. I would be careful teaching it to seventh graders, because I personally thought it was more of a fourth or fifth grade book than a middle school book.

What your father was taught a great deal more than math by his eighth-grade teacher?

Sounds like there was some attraction there, maybe more. my fathers eighth grade teacher taught him a great deal more than math

Is six seventh and six eighth greater or less or equal?

6/7 is greater than 6/8.

How do you get a seventh grade girl to like a sixth grade boy?

If the girl knows the dude than forget it but if she doesn't know him than convince her that he is in 7th

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4th was harder because, in 3rd grade u learn new math wich is harder then any type of math(even harder then division) and in 4th grade you revue it but with 4th grade questions. But in 5th grade you just learn regular math like high devision, and if u just pay attention u will do excellent