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Feet per second is a unit of velocity, but not necessarily the same thing. Velocity could be in meters per hour or feet per second could be a measure of speed, which does not take direction into account, as velocity does.

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Q: Is feet per second the same thing as velocity?
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Related questions

What is initial velocity measured in?

Initial velocity can be measured in the same units as any other velocity. In SI, that would be meters per second, but often km / hour are used, or (in a minority of countries) feet/second or miles/hour.

Difference with speed and velocity?

Speed rate of change on position (meter per second{m/s}) Velocity speed with direction

How is speed acceleration and velocity the same?

Speed is the rate of change of position per unit time. The dimension is Length / Time. Common units are meters per second, miles per hour, feet per second. Velocity is nearly the same (same dimensions), except that velocity is a vector, meaning that it has direction as well.Now acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. It also is a vector. Its dimensions are Length/(time^2). Typical units are meters/sec^2 and feet/sec^2.

What is the speed velocity of a body?

In common speech, velocity means speed, they are the same thing.

What is acceleration and velocity?

Acceleration and velocityVelocity - which is not quite the same thing as speed -- is the measure of the rate of change in position. In other words, to calculate velocity, we divide the change in an object's displacement -- how far it moved -- by the time it took to move. If an object moves, say, 100 feet in 10 seconds, its velocity is 100/10 = 10 feet per second (ft/s). Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. If an object increases its speed from, say, 10 ft/s to 60 ft/s in five seconds, its acceleration is 10 feet per second per second, or 10 feet per second squared (ft/s2).How did we arrive at that figure? Divide the change in velocity by the change in time. The change in velocity is 60 - 10 = 50 ft/s. The change in time is 5 - 0 = 5 s. Hence, 50/5 = 10 ft/s2.

Is constant speed and constant velocity the same thing?


Is a velocity graph the same thing as an acceleration graph?

Velocity is defined by physicists as both speed and direction, that is to say, if you are moving at 30 feet per second in a northerly direction, that is a velocity. Acceleration means a change in velocity. Physicists consider speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction all to be forms of acceleration; in more everyday usage, acceleration us used to mean speeding up and deceleration means slowing down. So, if your speed increases from 30 feet per second to 40 feet per second, that is acceleration.

How fast does a machine gun bullet travel?

Generally speaking, machine gun bullets travel at the same velocity as any other gun in the same caliber with the same length barrel. Bullets from guns can travel as slow as a few hundred feet per second up to 2000 feet per second (or more) depending on what it is.

Are Speed and velocity the same thing?

No. Speed has no direction. Velocity is speed anddirection.

How speed affect the velocity?

Different words for same thing

Why the units of velocity and speed are same?

because they measure different aspects of the same thing, velocity also has direction but speed lacks direction. otherwise they are the same.

Does an object have twice as much velocity if it has twice the mass of a second object?

No. An object's velocity is completely unrelated to its mass. When you're sitting in your seat on a commercial airliner cruising at 30,000 feet, your velocity is precisely the same as the airliner's velocity, even though, we venture to surmise, there is quite a difference between the airliner's mass and yours.