because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers. ... All integers (positive And negative) are rational numbers (not irrational).
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
They are called integers. Fractions and decimals are NOT integers, even if it has a positive or negative sign.
The set of numbers that consists of the positive numbers, the negative numbers, and zero are integers. There are no fractions in integers.
Yes, -19100 is an integer. Integers are positive and negative whole numbers (not fractions).
No, they are not because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers
No, they are not because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers
No, they are not because fractions can be negative also. fractions aren't integers
Integers can be negative or positive numbers providing that they are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
Every integers are real numbers.more precisely, integers are the subset of R, the set of real numbers.They are whole numbers with no decimals or fractions
Directed numbers have a positive or negative sign associated with them. (The positive sign may be implied). They can be rational fractions (including mixed numbers) or irrational. Integers cannot be fractions or irrational.
Non-positive integers are zero and the negative integers.