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If there is a decimal placed somewhere within the number, such as .3568 could be rounded to .357

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Q: Is it possible for a four digit number to round to a three digit number?
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I am an even three digit number If you round me to the nearest ten I become 200 The sum of my digets is 18 What number am I?

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102 = 100 which is the first possible three digit number that is a perfect square. 312 = 961 which is the last possible three digit number that is a perfect square. So there are 22 three digit positive numbers that are perfect squares.

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123, three number 45, two number

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How do you round decimals to the nearest ten?

The key to rounding any number to the nearest ten does not use the decimals at all. In fact, you only need to check the digit in the ones place. If the number in the ones digit is below 4, then round down. If the number in the ones digit is 5 or larger, round up. Some Examples: 563 ---> 560 - The ones digit is a three, you round down 27 ---> 30 - The ones digit is above five, you round up 145 ---> 150 - The ones digit is a five, you round up 890 ---> 890 - The ones digit is a zero, you do nothing because it is already a ten.

What 3 digit number divided by a 1 digit number gives you a number of 8?

Its Impossible. I say this because anything that is three digits divided by a one digit number that equals 8 is not possible. For example the higher 1 digit number that you can multiply by eight is nine so I did 8x9 and got 72 which is not a three digit number. The lowest three digit number that 8 goes into is 104 which is 13x8 and 13 is not a one digit number. Therefore the problem is impossible. :)

What is a three digit number divisible by 3?

333 is one of 300 possible answers.

What is the largest possible three-digit number that can be formed that is divisible by 3 and 4?

It is: 996

What is the smallest possible three-digit number that can be formed that is divisible by 3 and 4?

How about: 108