The key to rounding any number to the nearest ten does not use the decimals at all. In fact, you only need to check the digit in the ones place. If the number in the ones digit is below 4, then round down. If the number in the ones digit is 5 or larger, round up.
Some Examples:
563 ---> 560 - The ones digit is a three, you round down
27 ---> 30 - The ones digit is above five, you round up
145 ---> 150 - The ones digit is a five, you round up
890 ---> 890 - The ones digit is a zero, you do nothing because it is already a ten.
That's rounding to the ten thousand place. 7840000
how many decimals in hundredths round to 0.5
Round 69 to the nearest ten is 70.
29.15 round to the nearest ten dollars
That's rounding to the ten thousand place. 7840000
how many decimals in hundredths round to 0.5
How do you round 392 to the nearest ten
428 round to the nearest ten is 430.
96 round to the nearest ten=100
round to the nearest ten thousandth 44.24862486
To the nearest ten: 760 To the nearest hundred: 800
14.500 Are we thinking of decimals; reason because of the point(.) If so the nearest ten thousand is zero(0) However, if you mean 14,500 (Note the comma , not the point) , then the nearest ten thousand is '10,000'. NB When writing large numbers , you separate every thousand by a 'comm(,). Decimals are separated by a point(.) e.g. 14.500 = 14.5 (Decimal) 14,500 = 14,500 (Thousands).
round 90 to the nearest ten
2840. But round to the nearest ten is 2830.