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Yes. The two equal sides would measure 3.

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Q: Is it possible for an right isosceles triangle to have an area of 4.5?
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What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?

What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?

Is it possible to find the area of a triangle giving the length of one specified side?

Yes providing that it is an equilateral triangle or a a right angle isosceles triangle other wise it's not possible

What is the area of a right isosceles triangle with a hypotenuse is 16 square root 2?

Area of the right isosceles triangle: 0.5*16*16 = 128 square units

What is the area of an isosceles right triangle whose hypotenuse is 12 2?

The length of the hypotenuse, alone, is not sufficient to determine the area of a triangle.

Is it possible to find the dimensions and area of a right angle triangle when given only its hypotenuse which is 8 cm?

No.Additional Information:-Yes providing it's not an isosceles right angle triangle the possible dimensions are:- hypotenuse 8 cm, height 6.4 cm and base 4.8 cm because they comply with Pythagoras' theorem.So the area is:- 1/2*6.4*4.8 = 15.36 square cmNote that if it was an isosceles triangle then the dimensions and area could also be worked out that is why you should have specified in your question the type of triangle.

What is the formula for isosceles?

do you want to know the area in a isosceles triangle or what?

Can the area of a triangle be found when only one specified length is given?

Yes providing that it's an equilateral triangle or a right angle isosceles triangle.

Area of isosceles triangle?

Area of any triangle is: 0.5*base*perpendicular height

What is the area of an isosceles triangle that has a base of 5cm and a height of 7 cm.?

Area of isosceles triangle: 0.5*5*7 = 17.5 square cm

How do you find the maximum possible area of an Isosceles triangle with the Height of 20m. The angle of the equal angles can vary but must be no more then 35 degrees.?

An isosceles triangle can be split up into two right angle triangles so use trigonometry to find the base and then double your answer to find the base of the isosceles triangle which works out as 57.12592026 meters. Base = 20/tan(35) = 28.56296013 Base of isosceles = 28.56296013*2 = 57.12592026 Area = 1/2*base*height Area = 1/2*57.12592026*20 = 571.2592026 square meters

How do you find the smallest possible area of an isosceles triangle that is circumscribed about a circle of radius r?

It is 5.196*r^2 square units.

How do you find the volume of a 3D isosceles triangle?

V= area of the triangle x length