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What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?

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Q: What is the length of a leg of an isosceles right triangle if it is area is 72 square inches?
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What is the isosceles right triangle conjecture?

in an isosceles triangle, if the legs have length L, then the hypotenuse has length L square root of 2

What is the length of the legs if the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle is 8 inches?

its about 5.657. 8 divided by the square root of 2

What is the leg length of an isosceles right triangle with a hypotenuse of 32 inches?

Each leg length is 16 times square root of 2 or about 22,627 inches to 3 decimal places

What is the square feet of isosceles triangle 99 inches 117 inches and 58.5 inches?

By definition, an isosceles triangle has two equal sides. The three numbers given here are all different so they are not the sides of an isosceles triangle. Consequently, there is not enough information to answer the question.

Can you find the dimensions of an isosceles triangle with an area of XII square inches and a height of IV inches showing details of your work?

First find the length of the base: base = area times 2 divided by height base = 12x2/4 = 6 inches An isosceles triangle can be considered as being two right angled triangles joined together. So by halving the length of the base we can use Pythagoras' Theorem to find the hypotenuse: base2+height2 = hypotenuse2 32+42 = 25 square inches. Square root of 25 = 5 inches Therefore the isosceles triangle has two equal sides of V inches and a base of VI inches.

How do you calculate the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle?

An isosceles right triangle will always have its shorter sides of the same length, and the hypotenuse will always be this length times sin(45o) or times the square root of 0.5.

What is the length of each leg of an isosceles right triangle if the hypotenuse is the square root of 264?


Isosceles triangle has a base of 12 and a leg length of 8. What is the height?

square root of 28

Find the length of the hypotenuse of an isosceles right triangle whose legs are 1 unit in length?

square root of two.

What does a a right isosceles triangle look like?

It is an isosceles triangle with a right angle between the sides of equal length. Also the equal angles are 45o. * * * * * Take a square, draw one of its diagonals. The shape that is on one side of that diagonal is a right isosceles triangle.

What is the length of a triangle with width 10 in. and area 72 in?

Length of triangle is 14.4 inches. Check: 0.5*14.4*10 = 72 square inches

What has 3 sides 1 square corner and 2 side the same length?

isosceles right triangle or the 45 45 right triangle