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Yes providing that it is an equilateral triangle or a a right angle isosceles triangle other wise it's not possible

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Q: Is it possible to find the area of a triangle giving the length of one specified side?
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Can the area of a triangle be found when only one specified length is given?

Yes providing that it's an equilateral triangle or a right angle isosceles triangle.

Why is it possible to make an isosceles triangle from two identical right angled triangle?

An isosceles triangle is defined as a triangle that has two sides of the same length. With two identical right triangles, it is possible to arrange them into a bigger triangle that has two sides that are the same length.

What is the definition of an isosceles triangles?

A triangle that has two sides of equal length. Sometimes it is specified as having two and only two sides of equal length, and sometimes as having at least two sides of equal length

Is it possible to make a triangle with 5 matchsticks?

Yes if the match sticks are the same length it's possible to make an isosceles triangle with them

What is the name for a triangle that has two sides of equal length?

This triangle is called a scalene triangle.

Is it possible to build a triangle with sides length 3 3 3?

No, it is not.

Is a obtuse a scalene in a triangle?

The definition of an obtuse triangle is a triangle with an angle exceeding 90o. A scalene triangle is a triangle in which no two sides are of equal length. Therefore, it is possible that an obtuse triangle is a scalene triangle. However, it is also possible for an obtuse triangle to be an isosceles, in which two sides are of equal length. On a final note, it is impossible for an obtuse triangle to be an equilateral; equilateral triangles always have angles of 60o.

What right triangle has legs of equal length?

It's not possible to have a right angle triangle with sides of equal length. The sides on a right angle triangle are always in the ratio 3:4:5.

Is it possible to build a triangle with side length 333 true or false?

True and it would be classed as an equilateral triangle

Is it possible to build a triangle with size length of 7 6 9?

Yes, it is.

Is 5 a right triangle?

If the length of only one side is known, it is not possible to determine whether or not the triangle is right angled.

Is 10 a right triangle?

If the length of only one side is known, it is not possible to determine whether or not the triangle is right angled.