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Depends on whether it is vertical or horizontal. If it is vertical, it is undefined. If it is horizontal, it is zero.

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Q: Is it true that The slope of a flat line should be exactly 0?
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The slope of a steep line should be bigger than the slope of a flat line?


What is the properties of slope?

1. The slope of a flat line is smaller than the slope of a steep line.2. The slope of a flat line should be close to 0. 3. A negative slope means that the line mover down from left to right.

Which of the following are the correct properties of slope?

A.Lines that are equally steep should have the same slope.B.The slope of a steep line should be bigger than the slope of a flat line.D.Lines that go up from left to right should have a positive slope.E.Lines that go down from left to right should have a negative slope.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B.The slope of a flat line should be close to 0.C.The slope of a flat line is smaller than the slope of a steep line.E.A negative slope means that the line moves down from left to right

What is the direction of a line with a slope of zero?

A line with a slope of zero is a flat, vertical line.

Can a line have no slope?

yes it can because when it is flat there is no slope at all

A line which has a slope of 0 is?

A constant, a flat line

What is the slope of horizontal line?

The slope of a horizontal line is zero. That's because the slope measures how steep the line is, and a flat line is not steep at all and therefore has no slope.

Do perpendicular lines have the same exact slope?

No, parallel lines have exactly same slope Perpendicular line have a slope that is negative reciprocal of each other that is if m = slope of line then slope of perpendicular line is -1/m

What are the properties of a slope?

The slope is the ratio of the vertical increase divided by the horizontal increase. The slope of a flat line is 0. The slope of a flatter line is smaller than the slope of a steeper line. A positive slop indicates that the line move up from left to right. A negative slope means that the line moves down from left to right.

What is the difference between undefined slope and no slope?

Undefined slope is when a line is exactly on the y-axis, for reasons unknown, the slope of a line on the y-axis cannot be determined, so therefore it it "undefined." A line with no slope is a line with a slope of zero. In order for a line to have a slope of zero, it must be directly on the x-axis, meaning it is horizontal. Horizontal lines are straight and have no slope

Lines always have a slope of zero.?

Horizontal lines always have a slope of zero. (i.e completely flat, level surfaces have a slope of zero). However a line does not have to have a slope of zero in order to be a line.

Which value for slope represents the steepest line?

The slope of a line is the change in y coordinates divided by the change in x coordinates. Zero is the slope of a flat line. The steeper the line, the greater the value of the slope. For instance a slope of 587 is steeper than a slope of 48. A vertical line is not given a slope measurement - it is said to be indeterminate, so there is no representation for the "steepest" line. An extremely steep line will have a slope value approaching plus or minus infinity.