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Yes. The center is the mid-point of the segment, and that's all you need to uniquely define a circle.

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Q: Is it true that a circle is determined if a given segment is its diameter?
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What name you given to any line segment that connects two points on a circle?

a diameter

What name is given to a line segment with endpoints on the circle?

The name is "chord".If the line segment happens to go through the center of the circle, thenit is also given the additional name "diameter", and no other chord in thesame circle can be longer than that one is.

Given a circle with a diameter of 4 what is the circumference?

Given a circle with a diameter of 4, the circumference is: 12.6 (diameter x Pi = circumference).

What is the formula for the diameter or a circle?

If you are given the radius of the circle, you can use the formula: diameter = 2*radius If you are given the circumference of the circle, you can use the formula: diameter = circumference/pi

How do you find the DIAMETER if given the circumference OF A CIRCLE?

Diameter of a circle = circumference/pi

How do you construct a circle that has radius with an equal length to the given line segment?

Adjust the compass to the given line segment then construct the circle.

What is the radius of a circle with a given diameter?

Radius = Diameter/2.

Diameter of circle with given circumference?

Divide the circumference by pi (about 3.1416). The result is the circle's diameter.

If the radius of a circle is 10 inches what is the diameter?

The radius is half the diameter. The diameter is twice the radius. If the radius is 10 inches, the diameter is twice that, or 20 inches. The radius is any straight line that connects a point on the circle with it's center. The diameter is a line segment that connects two points on a cirle throught the center of the circle.Answer:Let r be the radius of the circle and d be the diameter of the circle. We know that the diameter = 2 * radius of the circle. Given the radius r = 10 inches. Diameter d = 2 * 10 Diameter = 20 inches.

How do you calculate the radius given the diameter?

Radius of a circle = diameter/2

How do you find the radius of a circle when the diameter is given?

Divide the diameter by 2.

If the area of a circle is given as 67cm squared find the diameter and then circumference of this circle?

If the area of a circle is given as 67cm squared, the diameter is 9.236 cm and the circumference is 29.02 cm