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Q: Is it true that a ratio is a comparison of two quantities by multipulication?
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A ratio is a comparison of two numbers by addition true or false?

FALSE .... by division.

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No. The same quantities in different units.

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Ratio. It has a true zero.

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False; the units are incompatible, so you can't make such a simple comparison. The GDP is expressed PER YEAR, the debt is not.

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No, it is not true.

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It is generally assumed that the ratio between brain size and body mass is an indication of intelligence. Although this is not strictly true it is generally true. Humans certainly have the highest ratio of brain to body. Troodon had one of the largest brains of any dinosaurs in comparison to its body therefore it is generally assumed it was intelligent.

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Is it true that you can add unequal quantities to an inequality?

It is true. The results may no longer be valid, but that is not relevant to the question that was asked.