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Q: Is it true that only globes can show true distance direction size and shape of landmassses all at the same time?
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distance, shape, size, and human geography teacher also said distance, shape, size, area ... but the last time she said it, she said direction

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What are the four things a globe can accurately show?

size, shape, direction, distance

What are the five properties of the global grid?

area distance shape direction scale

Math what is a translation?

moving a point or shape etc a distance in a certain direction

Do equidistant projection show distance and direction or size and shape correctly?


Why do geographers use globes?

Geographers use globes because they help them understand the shape of the home planet. Since globes are the same shape as the Earth, it is possible to create very accurate globes. Also to use it to know all the physical features there are on a state or continent it helps them understand earth.

Do equidistant projection show distance and direction or size and shape?

yes it does shows everything correctly

What happens to images on globes when they are transferred to a flat surface?

ovalish shape

What are the 4 types of distortion of a map?

The four types of distortion are shape, distance, relative size, and direction.

What are four important elements which a map projection attempts to show?

shape, size or area ,distance and direction

Differentiate distance and displacement?

Distance has no concept of direction and can be measured even if a person walks 2 miles in the shape of a triangle, he or she has still walked 2 miles. Displacement, however, it the distance measured between two particular points in a certain direction.