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Q: Is it true that only globes can show true distance direction size and shape of landmassses all at the same time?
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What do flat maps distort?

distance, shape, size, and human geography teacher also said distance, shape, size, area ... but the last time she said it, she said direction

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What are the four things a globe can accurately show?

size, shape, direction, distance

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Math what is a translation?

moving a point or shape etc a distance in a certain direction

Do equidistant projection show distance and direction or size and shape?

yes it does shows everything correctly

What happens to images on globes when they are transferred to a flat surface?

ovalish shape

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shape, size or area ,distance and direction

Why do geographers use globes?

Geographers use globes because they provide a more accurate representation of the Earth's curved surface. Globes show the true scale, size, and shape of continents and oceans in relation to each other, unlike flat maps that often distort these aspects. They are particularly useful for studying global phenomena and understanding spatial relationships on a spherical planet.

What does translation mean in geometry?

On the Cartesian plane a translation moves every point on a shape in the same distance and direction

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