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Q: Is it true that students who are good in math achieved poorly in English?
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The status of English language proficiency of Filipino nursing students is good. All Filipino students are taught English early on in school in the Philippines.

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A good question is one that most top students got right but most poor students got wrong. If top students are missing a question it is probably poorly worded and needs to be improved. If poor students are getting it right it is too easy and not differentiating enough.

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It is good idea to find family to develop your english, but in which city do you want ?

Why students who are good in math are not good in English?

Because of the way the brain works, some people are good at both, and some are good at one but not the other

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Because apparently teachers decide its good to challenge their students.

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"The good students are lazy."

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There are many students that you can say are good students. Students who are kind, caring, and studious are good students.

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I believe Harvard looks for students similar to MIT. They don't only look for students who get perfect scores on their SAT, but how you balance your time equally with other activities, such as the arts, athletic programs, and more. The students must be able to show that they have done or achieved these goals or activites. For example, lets say you are good at swimming, you can show your medals, certificates and other milestones you have achieved in your swimming part of your life. This is what I believe Harvard looks for in new applicants.

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Teacher is avery very very good for the students. Her dresses of a good impresion for the students. Her styl is a good for the students. Teacher r the parents of the students and students r the children for the teacher.

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Not necessarily.