No. Math is like a language used to describe things, including things that ARE essential to life. However, in theabsence of any mathematical descriptions, life would go on.
Yes. Math is essential to life because anything could be Math. Anything could be connected to math.
basic math that you need in life
Of course not !... It's an essential subject for daily life !
math matters in life because anything you do in life envoles with math if not almost everthiyng in everyday life thats why math matters
Actinium is not essential for life.
No, argon is not essential for life. It is used in industrial applications but not essential to biology.
i do not know but i think it is not essential for life
The four elements essential to life areoxygencarbonhydrogennitrogen
Everything in life is math. Money spending or saving is math, building is math! Etc! Our lives revolve around math
its essential for life because of oxygen, water. and for nutrients
water, shelter, and are essential for life about the same for fish to
math is extremely essential because when you grow up you will need to use math because you might be the head of a company so you need to use math to see how much you need to pay each employee. you also need to be able to know math well because you might have a spot question that you need to answer
It is essential to life. It protects us from UV rays.