Try dividing, in this case, 98 / 8. If you get a whole number, it is a multiple; otherwise it isn't.
Eight hundred ninety-eight thousand, ninety-eight.
The currency amount $98.00 is spelled "ninety-eight dollars."
Eight point ninety-two, or eight and ninety-two hundreds.
The number value 94.98 is ninety-four point nine eight, or ninety-four and ninety-eight hundredths. The currency value $94.98 is ninety-four dollars and ninety-eight cents.
The number value 94.98 is ninety-four point nine eight, or ninety-four and ninety-eight hundredths. The currency value $94.98 is ninety-four dollars and ninety-eight cents.
eight hundred ninety.
Eight million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-eight in numerals is: 8,999,998
The correct word form is: eight hundred ninety-eight and ninety-eight hundredths.
one thousand one hundred ninety-eight, or eleven hundred ninety-eight
The duration of Ninety Eight Percent is 1.03 hours.
The year 1998 is spelled or spoken "nineteen ninety-eight." The number would be one thousand, nine hundred ninety-eight.
Ninety-eight sevenths equates to the whole number: 14