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No, it is one of two numbers that has its own multiplicative inverse which is an integer. The other number is -1.

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Q: Is one the only number that has its own multiplicative integer?
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Does every integer have an opposite?

An additive opposite, yes. A multiplicative one, no.

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To express an integer as a fraction, you simply put the integer over one. Because one is the multiplicative identity, this won't change the value. 6 = 6 / 1

What is multiplicative identity property?

Any number multiplied by 1 remains the same.One is called the Multiplicative Identity.Multiplying any number by one is an example of the Multiplicative Identity Property of One.The multiplicative identity states that:A x 1 = A

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Let m be a whole number, then the multiplicative inverse of m is a number n such that mn=1 since 1 is the multiplicative identity. There is only one choice for n, it is 1/m since m(1/m)=1

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Additive identity: zero. Multiplicative identity: one.

One is a what of a number?

It is the multiplicative identity.

Is the multiplicative inverse of -54 ... 54?

No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.No, the multiplicative inverse of any number is one divide by that number. Stated differently, the product (-54) x (its multiplicative inverse) should be 1. (-54) x (54) is NOT equal to 1.The correct multiplicative inverse is -1/54.

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You can have a Group with only one element: 0 if it an additive group or 1 if it is multiplicative.

What does the word multiplicative identity mean in math?

Multiplicative Identity states that the product of any number and one is the number itself.

What is the product of a number times one number?

multiplicative identity

What is something unique about the number one?

One is the only integer with one factor.

What is the Multiplicative Identity property?

Any number multiplied by 1 remains the same.One is called the Multiplicative Identity.Multiplying any number by one is an example of the Multiplicative Identity Property of One.The multiplicative identity states that:A x 1 = A