

Is photosynthesis constant

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Is photosynthesis constant
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Respiration and photosynthesis keep the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere?

fairly constant

How can you keep the oxygen level constant in the air?

It is because there is a lot of trees around us and it gives out oxygen for us during photosynthesis.

Why is it important that you keep two variables constant such as light level and color while you're testing and how does a third variable CO2 level affect photosynthesis?

The first bit, "why is it important to keep to variables constant" is so you can be sure that the thing your measuring is what is affecting the change. So if your measuring the affect of CO2 levels on the rate of photosynthesis, you need to keep light level and any other variable constant through out the whole experiment so you know that it isn't a change in the amount of light that makes the rate of photosynthesis change but the change in CO2 level. I think that makes sense! Also, CO2 increases photosynthesis until a certain point at which photosynthesis can't happen any quicker because all the chlorophyll is 'taken up' using the CO2 for photosynthesis and so the only way to increase photosynthesis rate would technically be to add more chlorophyll. This means that CO2 becomes whats called a 'limiting factor'. I think that makes less sense!

How are resperation and photosynthesis related?

they form a cycle that keeps the levels of oxygen and CO2 fairly constant in earths atomospere. And their opposites but they both keep our globe spinning.

How does carbon enter the geosphere and leaves the biosphere?

Carbon remains constant in its cycle. It is recycled. The gist of it is that it goes from air-> to soil -> to bacteria which releases it back into the air again.

In Photosynthesis 6 molecules of carbon dioxide result in?

6 molecules of OXYGEN are used

As light intensity increases the rate of photsynthesis?

As light intensity increases at first the rate of photosynthesis also increases. However at higher light intensities the rate of photosynthesis levels off and becmes constant. This is because light is not the only factor needed for photosynthesis. So at high light intensities some other factor is running out eg CO2, temperature, so the extra light cannot be used. At very high intensities photosynthesis can decrease as the chlorophyll is bleached.

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No, homeostasis means 'maintaining a constant internal environment.' What you are thinking of is photosynthesis.

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How do you put photosynthesis in syllables?

Photosynthesis is a process that occurs in plant leaves.

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Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Photosynthesis Photosynthesis