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It is the constant itself.

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Q: What is the limit of a constant?
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What is the limit of 6 at X to infinity?

limx→∞(k)=k, the limit of a constant k is equal to the constant k. Therefore, the limx→∞(6)=6.

How you can defferentiate an integral?

If the upper limit is a function of x and the lower limit is a constant, you can differentiate an integral using the Fudamental Theorem of Calculus. For example you can integrate Integral of [1,x^2] sin(t) dt as: sin(x^2) d/dx (x^2) = sin(x^2) (2x) = 2x sin(x^2) The lower limit of integration is 1 ( a constant). The upper limit of integration is a function of x, here x^2. The function being integrated is sin(t)

what are 2 fractions with the sum of 2/3?

Constant Limit = 1000; % Sufficient digits. Constant Base = 10; % The base of the simulated arithmetic. Constant FactorialLimit = 365; % Target number to solve, 365! Array digit[1:Limit] of integer; % The big number. Integer carry,d; % Assistants during multiplication. Integer last,i; % Indices to the big number's digits. Array text[1:Limit] of character; % Scratchpad for the output. Constant tdigit[0:9] of character = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]; BEGIN digit:=0; % Clear the whole array. digit[1]:=1; % The big number starts with 1, last:=1; %

What is the perimeter of a triangle with an area of 924cm?

It can be anything greater than 3200.8 cm. By making the triangle taller and thinner you can keep the area constant while increasing the perimeter - without limit.

What is the constant equal to the ratio of the gas constant to the avogadro constant?

Boltzmanns constant

Related questions

What is the limit of 6 at X to infinity?

limx→∞(k)=k, the limit of a constant k is equal to the constant k. Therefore, the limx→∞(6)=6.

How does spring constant vary with length?

The spring constant is directly proportional to the length of the spring. As the length of the spring increases, the spring constant also increases. This relationship holds true until a limit called the elastic limit, beyond which the spring may become permanently deformed.

Is there a maximum spring constant or a limit where an object cannot be stretched or compressed?

Certainly there is a limit, considering that the object is not deformed by the power employed to compress or stretch.

What is a real life application of a constant function?

An example of a constant function in real life is the speed limit on a particular road, where the speed limit remains the same throughout. Another example could be the price of a particular item at a store which does not change.

How do you uses enums?

Enums are constant values. You use them when you want to limit the range of acceptable constants.

Which object has a constant speed?

An object in uniform motion has a constant speed. This means it moves at the same speed and in the same direction without any acceleration or deceleration.

What was Roberts hookes law?

Robert Hooke's law states that within elastic limit, the strain produced is directly proportional to the stress applied. Hence Stess/strain = constant This constant is known as Modulus of elasticity.

How you can defferentiate an integral?

If the upper limit is a function of x and the lower limit is a constant, you can differentiate an integral using the Fudamental Theorem of Calculus. For example you can integrate Integral of [1,x^2] sin(t) dt as: sin(x^2) d/dx (x^2) = sin(x^2) (2x) = 2x sin(x^2) The lower limit of integration is 1 ( a constant). The upper limit of integration is a function of x, here x^2. The function being integrated is sin(t)

What is Bremermann's limit?

Bremermann's limit is the maximum computational speed of a self-contained system in the material universe. c2/h ≈ 1.36 × 1050 bits per second per kilogram. c stands for speed of light and h is Planck's constant.

Does the amount of hydrogen in the atmosphere remain constant?

Hydrogen rises above our atmosphere to the outer limit and then gets blown away by 'solar wind'. So it is decreasing.

what are 2 fractions with the sum of 2/3?

Constant Limit = 1000; % Sufficient digits. Constant Base = 10; % The base of the simulated arithmetic. Constant FactorialLimit = 365; % Target number to solve, 365! Array digit[1:Limit] of integer; % The big number. Integer carry,d; % Assistants during multiplication. Integer last,i; % Indices to the big number's digits. Array text[1:Limit] of character; % Scratchpad for the output. Constant tdigit[0:9] of character = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]; BEGIN digit:=0; % Clear the whole array. digit[1]:=1; % The big number starts with 1, last:=1; %

What is the speed limit of falling objects called?

The speed limit of falling objects is called terminal velocity. This is the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium it is falling through (like air) equals the force of gravity acting on it.