

Is product of a fraction less than one math?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is product of a fraction less than one math?
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Is the product of a fraction less than one?

product of a fraction less than 1 and a whole number greater than or less than the whole Number

When multiplying fraction by fraction will the product be greater than or less than?

It is not possible to tell.

When you multiply two thirds by a fraction less than one how does the product compare to the factor?

The product is less than either factor.

When you multiply two thirds by a fraction less than one how does the product compare to the factors?

The product is less than either factor.

Is the product of a fraction that is less than one and a whole number greater than or less than the whole number?

less than

Is the product of a fraction less than one and a whole number greater than or less than the whole number?

less than

Will the product of a fraction less than one and a whole number be less than or greater than the whole number?

less than

Is the product of fraction less than 1 and a whole number greater than or less then the whole number?

It can be greater than or less than it.

what does proper fraction mean in math?

It is a proper fraction when the numerator is less than the denominator as for example 3/4

Why multiplying a number by a fraction less than 1 will give you a smaller product than your first factor?

Not necessarily. -1/2 is a fraction which is less than 1.-10 * -1/2 = 5, a product which is bigger than -10.

Why is the product always less than one when you multiply a fraction by another proper fraction?

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When you multiply a whole number by a fraction is the product always less than the original whole number?

A number multiplied by 1 is equal to the original number. So: For fractions where the numerator (top) is LESS than the deonominator (bottom), the product will be LESS than the original number, because the fraction has a value of LESS than 1. For fractions where the numerator is MORE than the denominator, the product will be MORE than the original number because the fraction has a value of MORE than 1. For fractions where the numerator and denominator are the same, the product will be the same as the original number because the fraction has a value equal to 1.