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Q: Is reverting to childish or childlike behaviors to recapture a time when there weren't so many responsibilities Projection Repression Regression Rationalization?
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What month and year was the day of the Great Purge?

The Great Purge was a campaign of political repression in the Soviet Union orchestrated by Joseph Stalin from 1934 to 1939. It did not take place on a specific day.

What does Treason mean?

Treason can include: willful betrayal of one's country; acting against the government; Aiding and abetting enemies of one's country; pPassing along classified information to Another Country; assassination of government leaders. I think it is limited to acts, not speech; except for language inciting rebellion. In the United States, the constitution restricts the definition of treason "levying war against" the United States and providing "aid and comfort" to its enemies. Proof for conviction requires the testimony of two witnesses "to the same overt act" and the establishment of treasonous intent. Punishment is limited to the person charged, and not automatically the traitor's relatives or heirs. The constitutional intent was to balance the security of the state with the protection of private property and individual rights. Also to prevent the charge of treason from being used for political repression.

Why do they call a coffin a casket?

There may be several reasons for that. Probably it has to do with the repression of death (or the suppression of death awareness) in modern Western society. Mortuaries became "funeral homes" or "funeral parlors", morticians "funeral directors", dead persons "loved ones" ,and so on. Thus, "coffins" turned into "caskets". In addition to that, the shape of the burial receptacle began to change: in the US, less and less hexagonal ones ("coffins" in the narrower sense of the word) - reminding of the shape of a body - were used, but more and more often rectangular ones which looked more or less like fancy boxes. The word "casket", which originally means jewellery box, carried also the mental association of something valuable, which indirectly helped to justify the comparatively high price of modern caskets. These reasons served as an incitement to the modern people, especially to funeral professionals, to replace the word "coffin" with the word "casket".

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Repression is the process by which people hold back and do not express their true inner feelings

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The word repression is a noun. It is the act of repressing.

What did Leon Trotsky believe about repression to preserve a revolution?

Leon Trotsky believed that a revolutionary movement, once in power had to deal with the question of repression. For Trotsky the form of repression or the degree of repression was not one involved with principles. It was a matter of expediency.

Freud's defense mechanisms?

I don't know if this is right and so you might want to look at other sources and compare. According to Freud, the ego has developed what he calls defense mechanisms, to cover for the wild demands of the id, which would rarely be socially acceptable. All of the defenses can be described as a combination of denial or repression with different ways of rationalization. When we rationalize, we are distorting the facts to make the event or our own impulses less threatening; that is, diluting the anxiety to a manageable level. We often come to believe our own distortions, or excuses, or even lies.

Repression is the process?

Repression is the process of excluding one's desires from consciousness, and holding it in the unconscious.

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What are the laws on mobile home repression?

I wasn't aware there were any laws regarding repression of Mobile Homes.