

Is seven hundredths smaller than one hundredth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, seven hundredths is seven times larger than one hundredth

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Q: Is seven hundredths smaller than one hundredth?
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Are thousandths smaller than hundredths?

Yes. Thousandth is 10 times smaller.A thousandth is 10 percent of a hundredth. That's smaller.

Is 15.3 smaller than 15.03?

No - 15.3 is 0.27 (twenty-seven hundredths) greater than 15.03.

Is 0.06 greater than 0.6?

Nope - 0.06 is six hundredths, while 0.6 is six tenths. One hundredth is ten times smaller than a tenth.

How many times smaller than a meter is a centimeter?

centi- means 0.01 or hundredths. There are 100 cm in a meter.So, a centimeter is 100 times smaller than a meter.To remember centi- is one hundredth, think of 1 cent is one hundredth of a dollar, or: 1 dollar = 100 cents.

Is tenths greater than hundredths?

It depends on how many you have. One tenth is greater than one hundredth, but fifty hundredths is greater than two tenths.

What is five hundredths?

Assuming you mean the term 'five-one hundredths' it is a mathematical term equivalent to the fraction 5/100 It is shown as 0.05 when written as a decimal. A hundredth is a unit 100 times smaller than one, and five hundredths is like saying 5 miles; you have five of them.

Why is 0.09 smaller than 0.1?

the farther the decimal place goes to the right, the smaller the number,ie 0.09 is smaller than 0.1 because the decimal place is smaller. 0.09 (Zero and one HUNDREDTHS) vs 0.1 (zero and one TENTH). One hundred is bigger than ten. With decimals it is the opposite. One HUNDREDTH is smaller than one TENTH.

Which is bigger tenths or hundredths for example?

hundredths are smaller than tenths because on a grid tenths is bigger than hundredths

Why do you round to the nearest hundredth?

Because I can't be bothered with things smaller than one hundredth.

What is 6 hundredths more than 6.113?

0.1 = tenth 0.01 = hundredth 0.06 = 6 hundredths So 6.113 + 0.06 = 6.173

How many tens in 57 hundredths?

57 hundredths is smaller than on and so there are no tens in it.

What is 0.328 rounded to the nearest hundredth place?

0.328 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 0.33. The digit in the next place over from the hundredths place is greater than 4, so the digit in the hundredths place is rounded up.