

Is six pounds using metric units?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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Nope - pounds is an imperial measurement.

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Q: Is six pounds using metric units?
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Is six pounds using customary units?

If you are talking about weight, it is quite customary to me.

How do you convert 600000000000000 into words?

Six hundred katrillion, using the short scale (American units); six hundred quantbillion, using the long scale (British units).

What are the basic prefixs used in the metric system and how do they relate to the size of the base unit?

There are six basic prefixes used in the metric system, and they all relate to the base unit in powers of ten. The smallest, milli, is .001 unit. Next, centi- is .01 units, and deci- is .1 units. The larger units start with deca-, which is 10 units, followed by hecta-, which is 100, and kilo-, which is 1000 units.

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The metric system is based upon powers of ten. Metric units are designed to increase or decrease by a factor of ten or by many factors of ten. For example the micrometer is one millionth of a meter, in other words a micrometer is 10-6 meters, which is a difference of six powers of ten.

How many kilos is in six pounds?

2.7kg in six pounds.

How many pounds of lunar rock and soil were brought back to earth from America's six expeditions to the moon?

381.7 kg of rock and six expeditions to the moon TRUST ME: IT'S RIGHT

What is two thirds of six pounds in fraction?

Two thirds of six pounds is four pounds !

How many pounds are in six tons?

There are 12,000 pounds in six tones.12000

How much pounds does six tons make?

Six tons is 12,000 pounds.

How many tons are in six thousand pounds?

3 ton 1 US (short) ton = 2000 lb 1 UK (long) ton = 2240 lb 1 tonne (metric) = 2204.6 lb

How many troy ounces are in six metric tons?

6 metric tonnes is 192,904.479 troy ounces.

24 metric cups equal to how many liters?

24 metric cups equals six liters.