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Q: Is squared and square root the same thing.?
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Are squares and square roots the same thing?

Of course not. 3 squared is 9, the square root of 9 is 3.

When a squared plus b squared equals c squared what is the square root of the square root of the square root of a squared squared squared plus b squared squared squared?

Since a squared plus b squared equals c squared, that is the same as c equals the square root of a squared plus b squared. This can be taken into squaring and square roots to infinity and still equal c, as long as there is the same number of squaring and square roots in the problem. Since this question asks for a and b squared three times, and also three square roots of a and b both, they equal c. Basically, they cancel each other out.

How do I convert a house which 24 square meters into meters squared?

They mean the same thing. Square meters is the same as meters squared.

Are squared feet and feet squared the same thing?

The terms 'squared feet', 'square feet' and 'feet squared' have the same essential meaning.

X squared Times Square root of x?

: x squared times square root of x : : = x^2 * x^(1/2) : = x^[2+(1/2)] : = x^[(4/2)+(1/2)] : = x^(5/2) : which is the same thing as : square root of (x raised to the 5th power)

Convert square feet to feet squared?

They are the same thing.

What is the squared root?

The square root of 79 is 8.88819

Is the variance of a group of scores the same as the squared standard deviation?

The standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance, so the variance is the same as the squared standard deviation.

Can anyone simplify the square root of 6 times 4square roots of 6?

Sure. the square root of 6 times 4 square roots of 6 is the same as the square root of 6 to the power of five which can be reduced to 6 squared times the square root of 6. The resulting answer is 36 root 6.

What is the eighth decimal place of the square root of pi squared?

The same as the 8th decimal place of Pi itself.

Is squared and power the same thing?

Yes squared and powered are the same thing.

What is the difference between 25 cm squared and 25 squared cm?

None because they are both describing the same thing in square cm