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452 and 622 are like terms. 452 - 622 = -172.

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Q: Is subtraction possible are they like terms 45 to the power of 2 subtract 62 to the power of 2?
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Why do you need to have a common denominator before you subtract or add them?

Because addition and subtraction are defined in terms of like terms.

Can you subtract unlike terms?

No. You can't subtract unlike terms

What is separated by an addition or subtraction sign?


What is 34.4-18.9 by rounding?

Subtraction by rounding is making the terms simpler to subtract. Turn 18.9 into 19. 0.1 was added, so later 0.1 needs to be subtracted. Now it is 34.4-19. 34.4-19=15.4. Now subtract the 0.1. 15.4-0.1=15.3 The answer is 15.3.

When can you add or subtract coefficients?

You can add and subtract coefficients when they occur in like terms, which means they have the same variable. 2x + 3x = 5x (This addition can take place because all of the variables are x, and are therefore like terms.) and 5y - 2y = 3y (This subtraction can take place because all of the variables are y, and are therefore like terms.) However, if the variables differ, they are unlike terms, and you cannot add or subtract the coefficients. For example: 2a + 3b cannot be added because a and b are different variables, and therefore unlike terms. 3c - 2d cannot occur because c and d are different variables, and therefore unlike terms..

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The process is the same for addition and subtraction. The process is totally different for like and unlike terms.

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what are the operations that separate terms in an expression

What is expression in math terms?

It is a collection of terms which are combined using various mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multipplication, division, power, inverse, trigonometric functions etc. It does not have an equality of inequality relationship - which would make it an equation or inequality.

How do you subtract like variables with different exponents?

You can't. You can only subtract like terms. Like terms must have exactly the same variables and exponents on the variables.

What are the two terms of subtraction?

In any subtraction sum, such as 5 - 3 = 2, the first number is the minuend, the second number is the subtrahend, and the answer is called the difference.

Arithmetic progression?

This a progression that involves addition or subtraction of successive terms in a sequence.