

Is tangent ever undefined

Updated: 12/20/2022
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15y ago

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Yes. the tangents of odd multiples of pi/2 radians are not defined.

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Q: Is tangent ever undefined
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Where is tangent undefined?

-pi/2 and pi/2

How does the tangent function relate to sine and cosine?

Tangent = sine/cosine provided that cosine is non-zero. When cosine is 0, then tangent is undefined.

What is the arc tangent of pi over two?

The arc tangent is the recicple of the tangent which is also known as the cotangent. The tangent of π/2 is undefined, thus the cotangent would be zero.

Why is it tangent 90 degrees is undefined?

Because it tends to infinity. Additionally, tangent can be expressed as sin theta divided by cos theta. The sine of 90 is 1. The cosine of 90 is 0. That would be 1 divided by 0, or division by zero; which is undefined.

What does the tangent of infinity equal?

The tangent of infinity is undefined because it is not a real number. The tangent function is defined as the ratio of the side opposite a given angle to the side adjacent to the angle in a right triangle. Since infinity is an abstract concept which has no physical representation, it is not possible to measure the sides of a triangle with an infinite length. Therefore, the tangent of infinity is undefined.

What happens when tangent is undefined?

Nothing "happens". You simply have an angle that is an odd multiple of pi radians.

Why is tangent 180 degrees undefined?

It's not. The tangent of 180 degrees is zero. Consider tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x). When x = 180 degrees, sin(x) = 0 and cos(x) = -1 and so tan(x) = 0

What is the tangent of 90 degrees and deduce reason why the slope of all lines following this formula are parallel to the y-axis?

Everytime you determine on your calculators the tangent of 90 degrees, it returns an electron overflow equivalent to a machine-shriek. This is due to the fact that the formula attempted to divide by zero, thus, the result of TANGENT of 90 degrees is UNDEFINED(Division By ZERO is UNDEFINED/not allowed). All lines following this formula is parallel to the y-axis, including the line on the y-axis itself. Hence, point of tangency is impossible to define since parallel lines NEVER MEET.

Did Jovan Belcher's wife cheat on him?

That is a question everyone is wondering. But, there is only one answer it is undefined. It is undefined because it can just be a rumor someone started to spread. Who will ever know?

Why is the tangent of 90 degrees undefined?

tan(x) = sin(x) /cos(x).When x = 90 degrees then cos(x) = 0 so tan(x) requires division by zero - which is not defined.

What is undefined divided by undefined?

Mathematical operations involving undefined are not permitted. So the answer is undefined.

What is the square-root of a tangent?

The tangent is essentially the derivative of the function. The square-root is just what ever function that is takes two of that function to equal the tangent. If you need further help on this question just send me a message on my message board and id be glad to help you out.