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Q: Is the arrangement of 4 coins taken 3 at a time same as the number of ways in which 4 coins can be put in 3 pockets?
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Dollar coins are legal tender and should be taken at any place of business.

Is agreement a noun?

Yes, the word 'agreement' is a noun; a word for the act of agreeing; harmony of opinion, accord; an arrangement or understanding about action to be taken; a written record of such an arrangement or understanding.

When did US recall gold coins?

Circulating gold coins were recalled in 1933, when the US was taken off the gold standard.

If Abby has 6 coins and Marissa takes 3 coins how many coins are left?

Well, there's still six coins but Abby and Marissa now have 3 each.

How would you describe the change in the arrangement of particles as heat energy and temperature increase?

When heat is added, the arrangement of the particle (the Entropy of the system) will become more disorganized and Entropy will increase. When heat is taken away, the arrangement of the particles will become more organized and Entropy will decrease.

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The modern Latin word is 'tactica' taken from Greek ;taktikos' meaning arrangement, especially in war

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Can you give away coins on meez?

Yes. You just go to the account you want coins out of and then whoever you want to give it to, you go to their room and click on the message writing thing and then you click on coins and then you click on how much and then when you click send the coins will be taken from your account and when they open it, they will receive the coins on their account.

Is coins a collective noun?

No, the noun 'coins' is not a collective noun. The noun 'coins' is the plural form of the noun 'coin'.A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. The standard collective noun for 'coins' is a roll of coins.

How many people have to agree before non voluntary euthanasia is taken place?

there is no such arrangement possible. Non voluntary euthanasia is execution.

What are chemical compounds for cleaning coins?

Vinegar helps on coins. As a general rule, coins should not be cleaned, as such an action will significantly reduce or even destroy a coin's value. It is possible to use an ultrasonic cleaner for gold coins but care must be taken to avoid rubbing the coin.